Expertise in the roads and paving business allows us to bring you a complete package of Civil Works backed by a team of dedicated and experienced professionals.
Your complete project includes earthworks preparation, levels and drainage, supply and installation of paving blocks, supply and installation of kerbs and concrete haunch edge restraints.
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Our teams receive on-going in-house training ensuring a full understanding of engineering methods and principles. All work is completed in accordance with strict SABS standards.
The work force is backed by an assortment of plant including a mechanical paving machine, skidsteers and uniquely adapted tools to ensure that construction is carried out as efficiently as possible. Timing and deadlines are of the essence in a pressurized building industry. The company takes pride in its’ ability to provide a professional service with advice and recommendations by qualified engineers who deliver accurate design information.
Stormwater Management
Control Rain, Stormwater, Groundwater and general drainage with our complete array of solutions. Through a variety of surface and subsoil drains, grid inlets and underground water tanks, we can provide solutions which will solve your drainage problems and even provide retention dams and tanks which can be utilized to reduce your water consumption.
Subsoil Water Management
Remove subsoil water from seeping through rock, clay and soil by installing engineered drainage systems. Through various subsoil solutions, subsurface water in roads, parking areas, beneath buildings, roads and under sportsfields, can be controlled to ensure trouble free use. Underground stormwater detention and retention tanks are can solve even the most complexed drainage problems.
Why manage your rain?
The first thing to consider is where does your rain go? Rain, which seems to generally fall on your roof, harmlessly through your gutters and downpipes, then onto your pavement and off your property has only just started its journey. It has already collected a whole array of dirt, toxins, bacteria and viruses. Next, it travels along the road roadways finding a stormwater catch pit to enter. Here it will pick up the much more of the same, with oils, rubber from tyres, heavy metals from brake linings, whilst on a path of destruction, it will create countless potholes and a slippery surface.
Once it goes in to the stormwater drain, it's really not difficult to imagine how many other viruses and toxins it will collect before it gets discharged into a river or water way. If you've seen one of these rivers, you will know the amount of visible the litter that comes with it. Along it's route down the waterway,it joins up with other discharge points, and all this sediment, toxins, bacteria, viruses, oils, metals, and by now plastics will forge a path of death and destruction as it finds its way to the easiest dam collection point. From here we will get our drinking water.
Imagine stopping this before it even starts. They would be far less potholes to maintain,far less deaths on the road,far less flooding to contend with and far less erosion. Although there might seem to be far less water in the dams as well, there is no doubt that this order would be parked in. And there would be far more water available right where we need it, at our homes.